The term narcissism refers to self centered personality the individual loves his own self. In narcissistic relationship the person is preoccupied that she or he unique or special no one can compete him. He/she concerned about own self and needs but do not care about others
They always talk about themselves not give a chance to others or their partner too.
Who is narcissistic?
The person affected with Narcissism personality disorder is called to be narcissistic. In this the individual superlatives himself.

They considers that she or he is better than other in talent, beauty, power, success, achievements, skills, intelligence, communication and Management. Although the narcissistic is loved him self. they are selfish because they have lack of empathy, feelings, manners, belongingness and patience.
An excessively elevated sense of self-importance is a mental health symptom of narcissistic personality disorder. They desire to be admired and require excessive attention. Individuals suffering from this illness might not be able to comprehend or give a damn about other people’s sentiments. Beneath this outward display of great confidence, though, lies a lack of self-worth that makes them quickly agitated by the smallest criticism.
Relationships, employment, education, and money troubles are just a few of the domains in which a narcissistic personality disorder produces issues. Individuals who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder may experience overall dissatisfaction and disappointment when they don’t receive the particular treatment or recognition they feel they are entitled to.
Are you in Narcissism relationship?
If your partner have these signs or symptoms you might be in Narcissism relationship ;
- Always express his goodness and well being in front of others.
- Want to speak and listen about himself.
- Focused on personal appearance.
- Behaved haughtiness, big headedness, self entitled and exaggerated self opinion.
- Have in faith that he or she is unique and special no one can understood or able compete him .
- Preoccupied that unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations.
- Take advantage of others to achieve her or his ends.
- Deficiency of empathy, patience, feelings and reactivity.
Factors of Narcissism Personality
Researchs believe that peoples affect with NPD not only for any single reason it can affected due to combination of different factors.

Parenting style or behavior cause or linked in learning of Narcissism Personality. Parents overestimation is the one of the major reasons of narcissistic .for example the child got top position in the school. the parents overvalued their child this behavior promote superiority in behavior of children. So the child learn overconfidence , self uniqueness and attitude.
The culture and environment also promote to learn narcissistic in Personality. The high level of bullying and annoying behavior from parents and like hood urges to narcissistic.
The researcher founds that the individual with NPD have heightened level of oxidative stress and molecular dysregulation causes strain in body on the other they have less Gray matter in brain cause lack of empathy and patience or feeling frontal .
NPD can be transferred inheritance 50% by their parents .The person with schizophrenia or bipolar history is another reason of Narcissism.
Damages being in narcissistic relationship
- Loose your self respect
- Depression
- Manipulation
- Cognition isshues
- Gaslighting
- Post Traumatic stress
- Isolation from friends and family
- Boundaries violation

prevention Tips
- Set your boundaries with your partner
- Do not validate your partner
- Educate yourself about narcissistic behaviors
- Tell them your feelings are important
- Do not compromise on your self respect
- Never loose confidence Infront of your partner
- Develop your support by socializing yourself
- Talk to your therapist
- Cut of communication with your partner