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What is wrong with me

What is Wrong with Me? How to feel Better.

“What is wrong with me” is a most frequently asked question time to time. Feeling overburdened, tense, or blocked might lead to brief episodes of self-doubt or even persistent sentiments of inadequacy. Sometimes, you might ask yourself this question because you’re unsure of your ability to survive a particular circumstance. You can start feeling better …

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Ego is one of the most perplexing terms in psychology

Egoic behavior & how ego is involved in our life?

 Ego is one of the most perplexing terms in psychology. In addition to the word itself being used to refer to a variety of unique psychological processes and constructions, “ego” is a term that appears in many other psychological concepts, such as egotism, ego-defense, egocentrism, superego, ego-involved, and so forth. What does ego mean, though, …

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theories of schizophrenia

Theories of Schizophrenia: symptoms & factors

A mental illness that severely impairs both your physical and emotional health is schizophrenia. It interferes with your ideas, memory, sensations, and behavior by upsetting the way your brain functions. You might so experience difficulties in many areas of your daily life. Your relationships, whether romantic, professional, or social, are frequently ruined by untreated schizophrenia. …

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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for PTSD

Your life shouldn’t be dictated by the tragedy you’ve experienced, but PTSD makes it so. PTSD is among the many mental health issues that can be treated with BrainsWay’s non-invasive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) technique. The therapy lessens the patients’ fear in the face of a potentially fatal circumstance, which frequently shows up as a …

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bipolar relapses

Bipolar relapses: symptoms, triggers & strategies to avoid

People who experience bipolar relapse are those who are euthymic, stable for a while, and who seem to be stable following weeks of treatment, among other factors. They relapse abruptly and experience another round of manic episodes or mood swings, which might take several days to return to normal. Relapses, also known as recurrences, are …

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bipolar relapses

Hysterical Amnesia: causes, signs, diagnosis, & treatment.

When someone experiences hysterical amnesia, they lose memory of catastrophic events. The incapacity to remember acts as a protective mechanism in this uncommon illness against situations that elicit feelings of rejection, remorse, or shame. These days, this word is hardly used and is most commonly used to describe dissociative amnesia, which is stress– or trauma-induced …

Hysterical Amnesia: causes, signs, diagnosis, & treatment. Read More »

cognitive restructuring

what is Cognitive Restructuring/ cognitive deletion?

Using cognitive restructuring approaches, harmful ideas are disassembled and rebuilt in a more realistic and balanced manner. The majority of people occasionally have negative thought patterns, but occasionally these patterns get so ingrained that they impede relationships, success, and even general well-being. A collection of treatment methods known as cognitive restructuring assists patients in identifying …

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ketamine schizophrenia mental health disorder

Effects of ketamine in schizophrenia volunteers

ketamine During the 1960s, it was discovered that NMDA antagonists. just like ketamine, more closely induced clinical symptoms of schizophrenia. than other psychotomimetic employed in previous pharmacological models of psychosis.3,4 Specifically, ketamine causes negative symptoms like decreased affect and emotional withdrawal in addition to good ones like delusions and altered perception. Its impact on healthy …

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