Mental Health Awareness

Adjustment Disorder DSM-5: diagnostic criteria

Adjustment Disorder DSM-5: diagnostic criteria

An intense response to stress or trauma is known as an adjustment disorder. A stressful occurrence could be either favorable or unfavorable. It produces transient symptoms that impact your emotions, behaviors, and ideas. You might react more expressively than you think other people would. This disorder comes in several forms, and therapy and occasionally medication …

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What is Microdosing? advantages and risks

What is Microdosing? advantages and risks

Microdosing proponents assert that the technique has several advantages, such as improved creativity and a decrease in depressive symptoms. However, recent studies indicate that the hype is not well supported. Microdosing was once a quite unknown procedure, but in recent years it has gained popularity. Some people assert that psychedelic chemicals can have a variety …

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Psychopath Personality traits in males

Psychopath Personality traits in males

The word “psychopath” designates a person who is morally reprehensible, emotionless, and ruthless. It is frequently used in clinical and legal contexts to describe someone who is frequently egocentric, antisocial, lacks regret and empathy for others, and frequently has criminal tendencies—despite the fact that it is not a recognized mental health diagnosis. This article explains …

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