Why Am I Here: What Is The Purpose Of Life ?

Every person must have thought at one time or another in his life, why he is here in this world, what is his purpose in this world, why was he made and why was he sent here. What did its creator have in mind? Is he fulfilling the purpose for which he was sent to this world or is he being given such a life? These are the questions that bring hope to his life.

Everyone’s life has a story. There is some thought behind this story. There is a purpose. To fulfill this goal and thought, he continues to play a role in this story. The author of this story is no one but himself. He chooses the characters of this story by his will. This story is the story of his own life. Which he is driving but who does not know when and where this story is going to end. He does not know who will play his role after his death. That’s the only thing that makes sense of why he’s here.

the thought in his cognitions keep asking this questions again and again but he don’t have answers for his own questions. he can by making good decisions by choosing the right one strategy for himself

Meaning of life

Everyone who comes into the world. The journey from its first breath to its last breath is called life. A life in which in the beginning he is unaware of who he is, what he has and why, then gradually he discovers himself and the people around him, begins to recognize, know and understand the world. Gets involved in the world.  Time goes by.  Experience and age also add up. Then one day he realizes what is the purpose of his life۔

Everyone who comes into the world. The journey from its first breath to its last breath is called life. A life in which in the beginning he is unaware of who he is, what he has and why, then gradually he discovers himself and the people around him, begins to recognize, know and understand the world. Gets involved in the world.  Time goes by.  Experience and age also add up. Then one day he realizes what is the purpose of his life۔

In search of an answer to this question, he looks back and examines his entire life۔Tries to know his role in the story of life۔In this effort, he gets to know his role.  He compares his character with those who are great people in his eyes.

With this comparison, many new questions arise in his mind. why i am here? or what is wrong with me?

All of us have unique having different aims and targets. To achieve that’s aim we struggle and get it. these are our purpose of life. Some people want to be a doctor, an engineer, a teacher and so on .That’s are their purpose of life. But some are living with out any goal or purpose.

Many people in this world go through this life without thinking and without any purpose۔ On the other hand , there are those who find the purpose of living and live it accordingly.

It Was Our Turn to Change.

We find evolution everywhere when we define “evolution” as the process of learning, adapting, and growing to be more effective and efficient. In school, children acquire increasingly sophisticated abilities and ideas, which they carry into college and their professional lives. One of the main objectives of any firm is growth in terms of profitability. Technology is constantly changing, providing stronger computers, quicker internet, greater productivity tools, and more interesting and enjoyable experiences.

Through improved training regimens and diet, athletes aim to enhance their abilities and performances. They want to break records and win more titles. The goals of musicians and artists are to improve their technical skill, creativity, and profitability. In addition to increasing in size, communities and societies work to meet the needs of their members in order to provide them with better, more fulfilling lives. As with most religions, we want to become “better” Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, or Jews—that is, to deepen our beliefs.

Why am I created ?

According to Quran

“And We created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, for mere play. We created them not except with truth (i.e. to examine and test those who are obedient and those who are disobedient and then reward the obedient ones and punish the disobedient ones), but most of them know not” [al-Dukhan 44:38. It means that God created us to spread love, truth, humanity, respect, peace by following their saying. If we follow that he rewarded us with heaven if we face difficulties by following their saying help us.

According to Hinduism

The creation of humans is attributed to the god Brahma, the creator of the universe. The story of human creation varies across different Hindu texts and traditions, but a common narrative is as follows:

The creation of humans is attributed to the god Brahma, the creator of the universe. The story of human creation varies across different Hindu texts and traditions, but a common narrative is as follows:

Brahma created humans from his mouth, arms, thighs, and feet, respectively, giving rise to four varnas (social classes):

1. Brahmins (priests and intellectuals) from his mouth

2. Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers) from his arms

3. Vaishyas (merchants and traders) from his thighs

4. Shudras (labourers) from his feet

The purpose of human creation, according to Hinduism, is to achieve four main goals:

1. Dharma (righteous living and duty)

2. Artha (material prosperity and wealth)

3. Kama (pleasure and enjoyment)

4. Moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirth and attainment of spiritual enlightenment)

Humans are believed to be born with a purpose, which is to fulfill their swadharma (individual duty) and ultimately achieve Moksha. The concept of reincarnation and karma also plays a significant role in Hinduism, where an individual’s actions in this life determine their fate in the next.

According to Bible

He created people out of love for the purpose of sharing love. People were created to love God and each other.

Additionally, when God created people, he gave them good work to do so that they might experience God’s goodness and reflect his image in the way they care for the world and for each other.

How Can I exist after i die ?

Of course we can live  even after death, this is possible only when we create ease for others in our life.  By helping someone, by coming to someone’s work, by being someone’s support, by giving someone good advice, by comforting someone, by helping someone financially, by feeding someone, by sponsoring an orphan, by pleasing someone. These are little efforts Who will not let you die۔Peoples remember you when they need help, when they net comfort, when they need support, when they need advice.

Of course we can live  even after death, this is possible only when we create ease for others in our life.  By helping someone, by coming to someone's work, by being someone's support, by giving someone good advice, by comforting someone, by helping someone financially, by feeding someone, by sponsoring an orphan, by pleasing someone. These are little efforts Who will not let you die۔Peoples remember you when they need help, when they net comfort, when they need support, when they need advice.

Abdul Sattar Edhi NI LPP was a Pakistani humanitarian, philanthropist and ascetic who founded the Edhi Foundation, which runs the world’s largest ambulance network, along with homeless shelters, animal shelters, rehabilitation centers, and orphanages across Pakistan. he die in 8 July 2016 in Karachi but still live in the hearts of people by their behavior of humanity. He rewarded with Lenin Peace Prize(1988) ,Bacha khan Peace award(1990),Nishan-e-Imtiaz(1989),Wolf of Bhogio Peace award 2005 Ahmadiyya Muslim award 2010.


The life is precious gift from God . We make it more beautiful and precious by make it easier for ourselves and others.by getting the blessings and glory of Lord. Our life is too short to spread happiness we can’t know when we die. But we can live in the hearts of people until if we want. We always remember our teachers and friends that are not in our contact we not now that is it they alive or not?

But we remember because we spend happy time with them. So we can also alive by spreading happiness and wellbeing in others.

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