Mental Health Awareness

Protesting Behavior: forms of protesting behavior

Protesting Behavior: forms of protesting behavior

Protesting behavior refers to an objection to something such as policies, injustice, or social and environmental issues. This action is taken by an individual or group of people and is generally concluded as a public opinion or reaction. It leads to the feeling of uncomfortable emotions and feelings due to any action. Protesting behavior is …

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mind-body connection

Mind-Body connection: benefits and techniques

Our mind and body are connected, this implies that our bodily functioning can be influenced either positively or negatively by our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes. To put it another way, our thoughts have an impact on our physical well-being .However, our physical actions—such as our diet, level of activity, and even posture—can have a …

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Weaponized Incompetence

Weaponized Incompetence: signs and handling

When someone intentionally or unintentionally shows that they lack the skills necessary to complete a task, it’s known as Weaponized incompetence, also known as strategic incompetence, and it forces others to take on more work. Usually, this happens in two settings: the home, between couples, and the workplace, among coworkers. Weaponized incompetence invariably results in …

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